25 Types of Coffee Every Enthusiast Needs to Know

The world of coffee is as diverse and rich as its history, offering a plethora of choices for enthusiasts and casual drinkers alike. From the robust intensity of a classic Italian espresso to the creamy indulgence of a French café au lait, each type of coffee has its unique character and charm. These varieties cater to different palates, occasions, and preferences, showcasing the versatility and global love for this beloved beverage. In exploring these 25 types of coffee, we journey through different cultures and traditions, uncovering the nuances that make each coffee special in its own right. Whether you’re a seasoned coffee aficionado or new to the world of coffee, this exploration will enhance your appreciation and perhaps introduce you to a new favourite.

1. Espresso

Originating in Italy in the early 20th century, espresso is a quintessential coffee that has become the cornerstone of many coffee-based drinks. It is made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans under high pressure, resulting in a concentrated and flavourful shot of coffee. Espresso is celebrated for its rich flavour and velvety crema, the creamy layer on top. It’s the foundation of many other coffee drinks and is often enjoyed on its own for its deep, robust flavour. Making espresso requires an espresso machine and a good understanding of the brewing process, including the grind size, water temperature, and pressure. For coffee enthusiasts, mastering the art of espresso can be a rewarding experience, offering a glimpse into the rich tradition of Italian coffee culture.

2. Americano

The Americano is a coffee drink that was believed to have been created during World War II by American soldiers. By diluting espresso with hot water, they made a beverage that mimicked the coffee back home. An Americano retains the espresso’s flavour but has a strength and texture more akin to drip coffee. It’s a popular choice for those who prefer a less intense, but still flavourful, cup of coffee. Making an Americano involves adding hot water to a shot or two of espresso, which can be adjusted according to personal taste preferences. This drink is not only a testament to the adaptability of coffee culture but also offers a milder alternative to straight espresso while maintaining its rich flavour profile.

3. Cappuccino

The cappuccino, with its origins in Italy, is a beloved coffee drink around the world. It consists of equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk, often garnished with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or cinnamon. The name cappuccino is inspired by the brown robes of the Capuchin monks, reflecting the colour of the drink. A well-made cappuccino offers a perfect balance of rich coffee and creamy milk, with a luxurious foam topping. The key to a great cappuccino is the texture of the milk, which should be velvety and smooth. Making a cappuccino involves skill in frothing the milk to achieve the right consistency and in pouring it to create a harmonious blend with the espresso. It’s a popular choice for its delightful flavour and artful presentation.

4. Latte

The latte, short for ‘caffè latte’, is a coffee drink that has gained immense popularity worldwide, particularly in the United States. It consists of one part espresso mixed with about three parts of steamed milk, topped with a small amount of foam. Originating from the Italian tradition of enjoying coffee with milk, the latte is known for its creamy texture and milder coffee flavour compared to a cappuccino. The art of latte making involves carefully steaming the milk to a silky texture and then pouring it over the espresso in a way that can create beautiful patterns on the surface, known as latte art. Lattes offer a perfect canvas for baristas to showcase their creativity, making them not just a beverage but also a form of artistic expression.

5. Flat White

The flat white, with its origins debated between Australia and New Zealand, is a coffee drink that has gained popularity for its strong coffee flavour and velvety texture. It is similar to a latte but contains a higher proportion of coffee to milk. The key to a perfect flat white is the milk’s texture, which should be steamed to a smooth, velvety microfoam, allowing it to blend seamlessly with the rich espresso. The result is a drink that offers a more pronounced coffee flavour than a latte, with a creamy mouthfeel. Making a flat white requires skill in achieving the delicate balance between the strength of the espresso and the creaminess of the milk, making it a favourite among coffee aficionados who appreciate a robust yet smooth coffee experience.

6. Macchiato

The macchiato, which means ‘stained’ or ‘spotted’ in Italian, is a coffee drink that consists of a shot of espresso with just a dollop of frothed milk on top. This drink originated in Italy as a way for baristas to distinguish between plain espresso and espresso with a small amount of milk. The macchiato offers a strong espresso flavour with just a hint of creaminess from the milk. Making a macchiato involves carefully adding a small amount of frothed milk to the espresso, creating a spot or stain on the surface. It’s a popular choice for those who enjoy the robust flavour of espresso but with a slight moderation from the sharpness of the coffee.

7. Mocha

The mocha, or caffè mocha, is a delightful blend of hot chocolate and coffee, often topped with whipped cream. Its name is derived from the Mocha bean, which was known for its natural chocolate flavour. A mocha is essentially a latte with the addition of chocolate syrup or powder, creating a rich and indulgent drink. The combination of the bitterness of the coffee and the sweetness of the chocolate appeals to those who enjoy a sweet treat with their caffeine fix. Making a mocha involves mixing chocolate with a shot of espresso, adding steamed milk, and often topping it with whipped cream or a sprinkle of cocoa powder. It’s a popular choice in coffee shops and cafes for its comforting and luxurious taste.

8. Ristretto

The ristretto is a concentrated form of espresso, made with the same amount of coffee but with half the amount of water. The term ‘ristretto’ in Italian means ‘restricted’, referring to the limited amount of water used in its preparation. This results in a shot that is richer and more flavourful than a regular espresso, with a less bitter taste. The ristretto is for those who appreciate a more intense and nuanced coffee flavour. Making a ristretto requires a good espresso machine and a skilled barista who can accurately control the amount of water used in the extraction process. It’s a drink that reflects the art and science of coffee making, offering a deeper and more concentrated coffee experience.

9. Lungo

The lungo, Italian for ‘long’, is an espresso shot that is pulled with twice the amount of water, resulting in a larger and milder cup of coffee. Unlike the ristretto, the lungo allows more water to pass through the coffee grounds, extracting more flavour and caffeine but also potentially more bitterness. The lungo is ideal for those who prefer a less intense version of espresso but still enjoy the depth and complexity of coffee flavour. Making a lungo involves adjusting the espresso machine to allow more water to flow through the coffee grounds. It’s a variation of espresso that showcases how altering the brewing process can significantly change the taste and strength of the coffee.

10. Cortado

The cortado, originating from Spain and popular in Latin American countries, is a coffee drink where espresso is ‘cut’ (the meaning of ‘cortado’ in Spanish) with a small amount of warm milk. The purpose is to reduce the acidity and intensity of the espresso. A cortado typically has a 1:1 ratio of espresso to milk, making it stronger than a latte or cappuccino but less intense than a straight espresso. The milk in a cortado is usually not frothy or textured, as the goal is to complement, not overpower, the espresso. Making a cortado involves skillfully blending the espresso with just the right amount of milk to achieve a harmonious balance. It’s a popular choice for those who seek a middle ground between a milky coffee and a strong espresso.

11. Affogato

The affogato is a classic Italian dessert that combines the richness of espresso with the creamy sweetness of ice cream or gelato. The term ‘affogato’ means ‘drowned’ in Italian, aptly describing the scoop of vanilla ice cream or gelato that is ‘drowned’ in a shot of hot espresso. This delightful concoction is both a drink and a dessert, offering a contrast of hot and cold, bitter and sweet. Making an affogato is simple yet elegant: a scoop of vanilla ice cream or gelato is placed in a small bowl or cup, and a shot of hot espresso is poured over it. The affogato is perfect for those who love coffee and want to indulge in a dessert that is not overly sweet but rich in flavour.

12. Red Eye

The Red Eye is a powerful coffee drink designed to give an extra caffeine boost. It consists of a standard cup of drip coffee with an added shot of espresso. The name ‘Red Eye’ is a nod to overnight flights, known as “red-eye flights,” taken by passengers who need to stay awake. This drink is particularly popular among those who require a strong pick-me-up. Making a Red Eye is straightforward: prepare a regular cup of drip coffee and then add a shot of espresso to it. The result is a highly caffeinated drink that combines the richness of espresso with the volume and familiarity of drip coffee, making it ideal for long days or late nights.

13. Doppio

A doppio is essentially a double shot of espresso. The word ‘doppio’ means ‘double’ in Italian, reflecting the drink’s composition. It is a standard in Italy and among espresso enthusiasts worldwide. A doppio is made by pulling two shots of espresso using an espresso machine, resulting in a beverage that is bold and rich in flavour. This drink is for those who appreciate the pure, unadulterated taste of espresso. Making a doppio requires an understanding of the espresso-making process, including the grind size, water temperature, and tamping pressure. It’s a popular choice for coffee purists who seek a strong and invigorating coffee experience.

14. Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee is a unique method of preparing coffee that has been a part of Middle Eastern and Turkish culture since the 15th century. This brewing style is characterised by its fine grind and the way the coffee is boiled together with water (and often sugar) in a special pot called a cezve or ibrik. The resulting coffee is rich, thick, and full-flavoured, often served with the grounds settling at the bottom of the cup. Making Turkish coffee involves combining water, finely ground coffee, and sugar (optional) in a cezve, bringing it to a boil, and then pouring it into a cup, allowing the grounds to settle. It’s a coffee that’s enjoyed slowly and is known for its strong taste and cultural significance.

15. Irish Coffee

Irish coffee is a cocktail consisting of hot coffee, Irish whiskey, sugar, and cream. It was created in the 1940s by Joe Sheridan, a chef in Foynes, Ireland, to warm up cold American passengers. The drink combines the warmth and bitterness of coffee with the smoothness of whiskey and the sweetness of sugar, topped with a layer of cream. Making Irish coffee involves brewing a strong cup of coffee, adding whiskey and sugar, and then gently floating cream on top. It’s a popular choice in pubs and restaurants, especially as an after-dinner drink, and is cherished for its comforting and indulgent qualities.

16. Viennese Coffee

Viennese coffee, or Wiener Kaffee, is a traditional Austrian coffee preparation that is both elegant and indulgent. It typically involves regular coffee topped with whipped cream and sometimes other flavours like chocolate or cinnamon. This style of coffee dates back to the 17th century and reflects Vienna’s renowned coffee house culture. To make Viennese coffee, one should prepare a regular cup of coffee (often a stronger brew), top it with a generous amount of whipped cream, and optionally sprinkle it with chocolate or cinnamon. It’s a luxurious treat that combines the robustness of coffee with the creamy sweetness of whipped cream, making it a delightful choice for those who enjoy a touch of opulence in their coffee.

17. Frappé

The frappé is a foam-covered iced coffee drink made from instant coffee, water, sugar, and ice. It was accidentally invented in Greece in 1957 and has since become a staple in Greek coffee culture, especially during the hot summer months. A frappé is made by vigorously shaking or blending instant coffee, sugar, and a small amount of water until frothy, then adding ice and water or milk. This drink is known for its frothy texture and refreshing qualities, making it a popular choice for those looking for a cold coffee beverage that is both invigorating and sweet.

18. Iced Coffee

Iced coffee is simply coffee that is brewed hot and then cooled down, usually served over ice. It’s a straightforward and popular way to enjoy coffee in warmer weather. The key to a good iced coffee is to brew the coffee stronger than usual because the ice will dilute it. After brewing, the coffee is cooled and then poured over ice. Some people prefer to add milk, cream, or sweeteners. Iced coffee is appreciated for its refreshing and energizing qualities, making it a perfect drink for hot days or when a cool alternative to hot coffee is desired.

19. Cold Brew

Cold brew coffee is made by steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in cold water for an extended period, typically 12-24 hours. Unlike iced coffee, cold brew is never exposed to heat. This brewing method produces a coffee concentrate that is smoother and less acidic than regular coffee. The concentrate can be diluted with water or milk and served over ice. Cold brew has gained popularity for its smooth taste and lower acidity, making it a great option for those who find regular coffee too harsh on the stomach. It’s also more caffeinated than regular iced coffee, offering a prolonged energy boost.

Photo by Roasty Coffee

20. Nitro Coffee

Nitro coffee is cold brew coffee that has been infused with nitrogen gas. This infusion process creates a silky, creamy texture, similar to that of a stout beer. Nitro coffee is served from a tap and is distinguished by its cascading effect and frothy head. It was popularised in the 2010s, inspired by the craft beer industry. The nitrogen infusion not only changes the texture but also enhances the coffee’s natural sweetness, reducing the need for added sugar. Nitro coffee is enjoyed for its smooth, creamy texture and unique visual appeal, offering a novel and refreshing twist on traditional cold coffee drinks.

21. Café au Lait

Café au lait, a French term meaning “coffee with milk,” is a simple yet elegant coffee drink that combines equal parts of brewed coffee and steamed milk. This beverage has its roots in European coffee culture and is particularly popular in France. The key to a perfect café au lait is the use of high-quality coffee and the right balance between the coffee and milk. To make it, one should brew a strong pot of coffee and then mix it with an equal amount of steamed milk. This drink is often enjoyed at breakfast and is known for its smooth, comforting taste. Café au lait is a great choice for those who enjoy a milder coffee flavour with the creamy richness of milk, offering a less intense alternative to espresso-based drinks.

22. Espresso Con Panna

Espresso con panna, which translates to “espresso with cream” in Italian, is a simple yet indulgent coffee drink. It consists of a single or double shot of espresso topped with a dollop of whipped cream. This combination adds a luxurious texture and a slight sweetness to the rich and intense espresso. Making espresso con panna involves preparing a standard espresso and then topping it with a generous amount of whipped cream. The drink is a favourite among those who enjoy the strong flavour of espresso but appreciate the contrast provided by the creamy, sweet topping. It’s a delightful treat for any time of day, offering a balance of bitterness from the coffee and sweetness from the cream.

23. Café Bombón

Café bombón, originating from Valencia, Spain, is a sweet and visually appealing coffee drink. It is made with equal parts of espresso and condensed milk, creating a striking layered effect in a clear glass. The condensed milk adds a rich sweetness that perfectly complements the strong and bitter espresso. To make café bombón, one should pour condensed milk into a glass, followed by a shot of espresso. The layers create a beautiful contrast, and the drink is often stirred before consumption to blend the flavours. Café bombón is a popular choice for those who enjoy a sweet, creamy coffee. Its simplicity and the delightful combination of flavours make it a unique and indulgent coffee experience.

24. Piccolo Latte

The piccolo latte is a small, yet flavourful coffee drink that originated in Australia. It is essentially a mini version of a latte, consisting of a single ristretto shot (a short shot of espresso) topped with warm, steamed milk. The ratio of coffee to milk in a piccolo latte is higher than in a traditional latte, resulting in a stronger coffee flavour. To make a piccolo latte, one should first prepare a ristretto shot, then add steamed milk, which has been frothed to a smooth, silky texture. The drink is served in a small glass or cup. The piccolo latte is ideal for those who enjoy the creamy texture of a latte but prefer a more pronounced coffee taste. It’s a popular choice for a mid-morning or afternoon coffee break.

25. Galão

The galão is a traditional Portuguese coffee drink, similar to a latte or café au lait, but with a distinctively Portuguese twist. It typically consists of one-quarter coffee and three-quarters foamed milk. The drink is served in a tall glass and is lighter and milkier compared to other coffee drinks. To make a galão, one should first prepare a strong espresso or coffee, then add it to a glass filled with steamed and frothed milk. The result is a smooth, creamy beverage with a mild coffee flavour. The galão is a popular choice in Portuguese cafés, particularly as a breakfast or mid-morning drink. It’s perfect for those who prefer a gentler coffee experience with plenty of creamy milk.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the world of coffee is as vast and varied as the cultures that cherish it. Each type of coffee, from the bold espresso to the sweet café bombón, offers a unique experience, inviting us to explore different aspects of coffee culture and taste. Whether you prefer your coffee strong and black, sweet and creamy, hot, or cold, there’s a style for everyone. As we’ve journeyed through these 25 different coffee types, it’s clear that coffee is more than just a beverage; it’s a global language of comfort, tradition, and connection.

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